MO Survey
Policies and procedures, including ship-specific instructions, are current and utilized/ followed.
- Ensure everyone knows where to find the SOPs (physical location on the ship and on the DMS).
- Emphasize leadership by example.
- Ensure supervisors are actively supervising their personnel.
- Monitor and be aware of perceived mission creep. It can lead to cutting corners.
- Ensure your subordinate leaders make on-the-spot corrections when they discover unsafe actions. Encourage/Reward subordinate leaders for doing so.
- Leadership at all levels must periodically reinforce emphasis on correct procedures.
- Be aware of an environment where "work-arounds" are "the way we do things here."
- Frequently reinforce the fact that cutting corners is not tolerated in this organization.
- Personnel can honestly misperceive that they are expected to cut corners when simply told to expedite their work. Carefully communicate all task requirements to prevent these and other misperceptions.
- Be aware of personnel growing up in an environment that encourages "work the system" and discourages personal accountability and responsibility.
MO Survey
Members of my department understand their specific roles and responsibilities.
- Conduct small group "town halls" with all ranks from a broad-brush-stroke perspective on how the CO sees things.
- Reinforce the understanding and adherence to mission, CO's intent, policies and procedures, training plans, and the proper use and maintenance of equipment.
- Implement steps to ensure the ship's mission is well understood by all. The new personnel orientation brief should include a clear vision of what is expected.
- Schedule CO's Calls with subordinates in order to discuss and emphasize the command’s goals and missions.
- Set aside a "dialogue period" with personnel to discuss the command’s goals and missions.
- Conduct periodic meetings (e.g. weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.) with your subordinates to get their perspective on things.
- Provide a "state of the ship/department" address. It helps identify where you are operationally and communicates it to your subordinates.
- Ensure that the entire chain of command knows “the big picture” on what the unit is doing and why.
- Ensure work schedules/events are widely promulgated and understood
- Ensure all communication vehicles are used (e.g., face-to-face, POD, publications, etc.). Too often, vehicles to communicate are overlooked.
- Do not expect people to remember what was said weeks ago. If it is important, publish it or restate it often.
- As goals and priorities change, ensure those changes are briefed, including why the change was needed. Don’t assume.
- Ensure everyone in your work area knows the mission and their part in accomplishing it.
- During high OPTEMPO periods it is knowledge of the CO’s goals, priorities, and desired end state that often are the difference between mission success or failure.
- Conduct periodic reviews of policies and watch stander performance.
- Hard schedule training. Then, do it.
- Ensure that scheduled training is provided per the training schedule, or rescheduled immediately, if events require a slide. If it slides, look at whether training is really the number one priority, and who gets to decide to cancel it.
- Ensure supervisory personnel attend and conduct training sessions to assess quality and eliminate “gun decking.” If the goal is to get the check in the box, that’s all you will get out of it.
- Ensure the qualification process remains robust and honest. There is a tendency to relax standards to obtain a minimum level of qualified personnel when "doing more with less."
- Conduct a complete review of each qualification to ensure there are no immediate unit shortfalls. Review the process for qualification to make sure you are teaching the right skills.
- Leadership should establish training priorities (at all levels) and live by them.
- Develop a qualification tracker to maximize training and reduce opportunities for “gun decking.”
MO Survey
Drills have a purpose and enhance crew member skills.
- Take drillls seriously and make them exciting and challenging.
- Consider post-drill debriefs or walk-thoughs to facilitate discussion/learning.
- Avoid complacency by implementing "surprise" drills and scenarios.
MO Survey
Members of my unit have been sufficiently trained to respond to any emergencies.
- Take drillls seriously and make them exciting and challenging.
- Consider post-drill debriefs or walk-thoughs to facilitate discussion/learning.
- Implement more frequent, lower level training in small groups.
- Conduct a complete review of each qualification. Review the process for qualification to make sure you are teaching the right skills.
- Avoid complacency by implementing "surprise" drills and scenarios.
- Hard schedule training. Then, do it.
- Ensure that scheduled training is provided per the training schedule, or rescheduled immediately, if events require a slide.
- Ensure supervisory personnel attend and conduct training sessions to assess quality and eliminate “gun decking.” If the goal is to get the check in the box, that’s all you will get out of it.
- Develop a qualification tracker to maximize training and reduce opportunities for “gun decking.”
- Ensure the qualification process remains robust and honest. There is a tendency to relax standards to obtain a minimum level of qualified personnel when "doing more with less."
- Leadership should establish training priorities (at all levels) and live by them.
MO Survey
Training opportunities are advertised and the approval process is transparent.
- Ensure crew is aware when calls for training go out and encourage application.
MO Survey
Members in my unit understand environmental regulations (discharges, hazmat mgt, etc.) pertaining to their specific roles and duties.
- Consider including ECO drills in regular rotation.
- Ensure ECO placards are posted, accessible, and current.
- Consider having department heads attend ECO training
MO Survey
My chain of command keeps me well informed regarding safety and operational information.
- Hold frequent all hands meetings and send email updates regularly.
- Routinely encourage your subordinate leaders to work with your Safety Officer and Safety representatives.
- Provide safety briefs prior to all new and/or complex evolutions, and debrief them afterward.
- Post operational safety lessons learned, in addition to occupational and recreational safety.
- Publish a Safety Gram to raise awareness and provide recognition for personnel accomplishments/acts.
- Ensure your Safety Officer and Safety representatives are known, visible and active in your work area in and daily work planning.
MO Survey
My chain of command enforces safety rules during daily work.
- Emphasize leadership by example.
- Hold non-performers accountable and counsel/discipline those who demonstrate unsatisfactory performance.
- Ensure supervisors are actively supervising their personnel.
- Counsel and monitor ‘aggressive’ personnel who think rules aren't necessary.
- Monitor supervisors who think it is okay to cut corners.
- Establish, communicate (make visible), and enforce performance standards in your command.
- Leaders/Supervisors should enforce a "by the book" philosophy.
- When accountability is not enforced, the command and control structure, which is held together by trust, falls apart and the command eventually fails.
- Despite strong initial efforts, do not miss opportunities to reinforce the behaviors you are trying to strengthen.
- When standards and rules invite "workarounds" due to their complexity, lack of clarity, or ineffectiveness, submit changes to the standards and rules! A "we've always done it that way" mentality will only lead to further complacency, rule-bending, and potential incidents/mishaps.
MO Survey
Members of my unit, from the top down, incorporate operational risk management (ORM - green/amber/red) into daily activities.
- Emphasize leadership by example.
- Conduct small group discussions on how to keep safety/ORM briefs impactful.
- Allow mid-level or lower department members to lead group ORM discussions.
- Challenge your leaders to be proactive at implementing ORM processes in their work area.
- Empower junior personnel to make decisions regarding safety/ORM practices.
- Empower ALL personnel to halt unsafe activities until hazards/risks are resolved. Use training time outs and safety time outs.
- Integrate the ORM process into planning and executing operations by asking questions about what will be different this time, and who has the authority to make changes when conditions change.
- Assign, educate, and employ your ORM assistants department heads) in your work areas.
- Request ORM training from higher headquarters.
- Use real life, practical examples of ORM for training vice repetitive overviews of the ORM steps. The goal is safe operations with a questioning attitude, not memorization.
MO Survey
Reported hazards are quickly mitigated or addressed.
- Ensure that every employee feels empowered to speak out on safety infractions done by any crew member or scientist.
- Maintain CAPS and CASREP processes.
- Ensure your subordinate leaders make on-the-spot corrections when they discover unsafe actions. Encourage/Reward subordinate leaders for doing so.
- If immediate corrections are impossible, secure the hazards and/or provide appropriate warnings, signs, and boundaries.
- Ensure you have a safety and hazard tracking system that informs daily reports.
MO Survey
My daily schedule allows for sufficient, uninterrupted rest.
- During preseason operational readiness training, reinforce key safety concepts with all personnel, including the requirement to report any safety issues or hazards up their chain of command and the ability of anyone to stop operations for safety concerns.
- Ensure watch schedules are fair and distrubute the hardest workloads evenly.
- Follow union and crew rest policy guidelines.
- Review the OPTEMPO of your unit and its effect on safety and operational performance.
- Ensure loud ship maintenance projects (needlegunning, etc.) are done during times to minimize crew disruption
- Ensure personnel readiness and mission readiness are not weakened by an over-emphasis on collateral duties/tasks. Training, Operations, and maintenance first.
- Reduce extraneous taskings and say no to extraneous requests or raise the risk back up the chain of command.
- Educate your personnel to recognize fatigue "red-flags" (e.g., heavy eyelids, increased yawning, wandering thoughts, head-nodding, etc.).
- Ensure that the balance between mission accomplishment and quality of life does not result in overworked and over-stressed personnel.
- Implement circadian rhythm watches for all watch stations, if possible.
- Beware of and monitor fatigue levels of your personnel.
- Long work days combined with commute time and family responsibilities leads to fatigued crew members and drivers.
- Implement rules on work schedule, additional duties, watches, etc. to help manage fatigue and reduce excessively tired personnel.
- Track time off for every employee to ensure that each receives adequate time away from work.
- Although we often "do more with less," always look for opportunities to eliminate non-essential tasks, share workloads, or improve planning to more effectively meet mission goals.
MO Survey
Effective communication exists within my unit.
- Don't shoot the messenger. Personnel should not fear retribution for raising concerns or pointing out problems.
- Direct more command attention at those who do right than those who do wrong.
- Effective communication requires feedback. Ensure feedback mechanisms are in place and used.
- No matter how much technology you throw at a problem, communication still requires face-to-face interaction.
- Share all relevant information. Playing "I've got a secret" hurts productivity and morale.
- Ensure an anonymous method for sailors to bring up issues and solutions to problems.
- Do not allow poor communication due to too much reliance on one-way emails.
- I don't expect people to remember what I said two weeks ago. If it's important, publish it or restate it often.
- Communication is key across all pay grades. Ensure it happens.
MO Survey
Effective communication exists within my organization.
- Don't shoot the messenger. Personnel should not fear retribution for raising concerns or pointing out problems.
- Direct more command attention at those who do right than those who do wrong.
- Effective communication requires feedback. Ensure feedback mechanisms are in place and used.
- No matter how much technology you throw at a problem, communication still requires face-to-face interaction.
- Share all relevant information. Playing "I've got a secret" hurts productivity and morale.
- Ensure an anonymous method for sailors to bring up issues and solutions to problems.
- Do not allow poor communication due to too much reliance on one-way emails.
- I don't expect people to remember what I said two weeks ago. If it's important, publish it or restate it often.
- Communication is key across all pay grades. Ensure it happens.
MO Survey
My unit has a reputation for high-quality performance.
- Customer service is an important part of mission success.
- Establish, communicate (make visible), and enforce performance standards in your command.
MO Survey
My unit does not sacrifice safety for mission accomplishment.
- Hold frequent safety stand-downs for any observed unsafe behavior.
- Challenge your leaders to be proactive at implementing ORM processes in their work area.
- Empower junior personnel to make decisions regarding safety/ORM practices.
- Empower ALL personnel to halt unsafe activities until hazards/risks are resolved. Use training time outs and safety time outs.
- Complacency does kill. Periodically highlight concerns, challenge personnel, question practices, etc. to raise awareness . . . instead of waiting for a mishap to wake up the organization.
- Ensure members are educated in the ORM process to the point that it becomes an automatic or intuitive part of decision making.
- Integrate the ORM process into planning and executing operations by asking questions about what will be different this time, and who has the authority to make changes when conditions change.
- Ensure your ship has a safety climate that encourages reporting safety issues.
- Ensure your subordinate leaders make on-the-spot corrections when they discover unsafe actions. Encourage/Reward subordinate leaders for doing so.
- Emphasize leadership by example.
- Frequently reinforce the fact that cutting corners is not tolerated in this organization. Ensure department heads and supervisory personnel understand that this is the only acceptable policy. That means that supervisors must be open to feedback that there is not enough time to get everything done.
- Ensure department heads and supervisory personnel understand that this is the only acceptable policy.
- Ensure supervisors are actively supervising their personnel.
- Personnel can honestly misperceive that they are expected to cut corners when simply told to expedite their work. Carefully communicate all task requirements to prevent these and other misperceptions.
- Set priorities; don't try to do it all every day. Revisit lower priority tasks at the appropriate time.
- Lack of proper tools and equipment leads to cutting corners, equipment damage, and lower morale.
- Be aware of an environment where "work-arounds" are "the way we do things here."
- When standards and rules invite "workarounds" due to their complexity, lack of clarity, or ineffectiveness, submit changes to the standards and rules! A "we've always done it that way" mentality will only lead to further complacency, rule-bending, and potential incidents/mishaps.
- Monitor supervisors who think it is okay to cut corners.
- Leadership at all levels must periodically reinforce emphasis on procedures.
- Be aware of personnel growing up in an environment that encourages "work the system" and discourages personal accountability and responsibility.
- Monitor and be aware of perceived mission creep. It can lead to cutting corners.
- Establish, communicate (make visible), and enforce performance standards in your command.
MO Survey
Members of my department are comfortable reporting safety violations, unsafe behaviors, or hazardous conditions.
- Don't shoot the messenger. Personnel should not fear retribution for raising concerns or pointing out problems. Self-reporting does not work if the only outcome is repercussions.
- Lead by example and admit your own mistakes/issues. This will encourage others to come forward without fear of reprisal.
- Utilize "On the Spot" award program for observed safety proceedures.
- Ensure your subordinate leaders make on-the-spot corrections when they discover unsafe actions. Encourage/Reward subordinate leaders for doing so.
- Ensure your unit Safety Officer and safety representatives are visible members and active.
- Routinely encourage your subordinate leaders to work with the Safety Officer and safety representatives
- Personnel should expect positive reinforcement for reporting issues (e.g., Safety Pro), not fear repercussions.
- Offer a periodic "retribution free" discussion period for personnel to discuss issues.
- Direct more command attention at those who do right than those who do wrong.
- Publish a Safety Gram with recognition for personnel accomplishments/acts.
- Empower ALL personnel to halt unsafe activities until hazards/risks are resolved.
MO Survey
All members of my department have the authority to halt unsafe activities until the hazards/risks are addressed.
- Empower junior personnel to make decisions regarding safety practices, and when to raise those decisions to the next level up
- Ensure supervisors are actively supervising their personnel.
- Challenge leadership to be proactive with their personnel and ensure the importance of doing things safely is very clear to them.
- Ensure members are educated in the ORM process to the point that it becomes an automatic or intuitive part of decision making.
- Integrate ORM methods into planning, briefing, executing, and debriefing operations.
- Discuss perception management with Officers and supervisory personnel.
- Empower ALL personnel to halt unsafe activities until hazards/risks are addressed, and make sure they know exactly how to do that. What words do you use on this ship to stop an evolution in progress?
MO Survey
The atmosphere within my unit is professional and respectful.
- Frequent department head check-ins and open communications.
- Reinforce the understanding and adherence to mission and CO's standing orders.
- Conduct small group "town halls" with all ranks from a broad-brush-stroke perspective on how the CO sees things. Include more about the CO to better humanize the CO.
- Schedule CO's Calls with subordinates in order to discuss and emphasize the command’s goals and missions.
- Direct more command attention at those who do right than those who do wrong.
- Provide a "state of the ship/department" address. It helps identify where you are operationally and communicates it to your subordinates.
MO Survey
Members of my unit understand the conduct and behavior expectations of the command.
- Frequent department head check-ins and open communications.
- Reinforce the understanding and adherence to mission and CO's standing orders.
- Conduct small group "town halls" with all ranks from a broad-brush-stroke perspective on how the CO sees things. Include more about the CO to better humanize the CO.
- Schedule CO's Calls with subordinates in order to discuss and emphasize the command’s goals and missions.
- Direct more command attention at those who do right than those who do wrong.
- Provide a "state of the ship/department" address. It helps identify where you are operationally and communicates it to your subordinates.
MO Survey
Members of my department take personal ownership of all tasks that they perform.
- Ensure supervisory personnel attend and conduct training sessions to assess quality and eliminate “gun decking.” If the goal is to get the check in the box, that’s all you will get out of it.
- Utilize On the Spot or other award process to encourage best practices.
- Complacency does kill. Periodically highlight concerns, challenge personnel, question practices, etc. to raise awareness . . . instead of waiting for a mishap to wake up the organization
MO Survey
My levels of job satisfaction are high.
- Conduct frequent deparment head check-ins and open communications.
MO Survey
I am satisfied with my current work-life balance.
- Consider giving "59" minutes when possible.
- Try to avoid having employees work outside of required hours (check emails, answer phone, etc.).
- Check for process that might be completed by automated methods where practical to reduce workload.
- Lead by example and show own work/life balance. For example, consider closing stateroom door for personal time when possible.
- Ask MPIC or mecial personnel to observe behaviors during stressful evolutions or extended assignments.
- Ensure personnel readiness and mission readiness are not weakened by an over-emphasis on collateral duties/tasks.
- Encourage morale events whenever possible.
- Use special staff (e.g., medical, etc.) to monitor your unit's "health" (e.g., morale and motivation) and provide an “outsider's view” of your organization.
- Survey results show that unit morale is more strongly affected by leader/supervisor actions than externally driven factors of OPTEMPO, resource constraints, etc. Unit leaders can improve morale through more effective communications, mentorship, enforcement of standards, and caring for members' quality of life.
- Although we often "do more with less," always look for opportunities to eliminate non-essential tasks, share workloads, or improve planning to more effectively meet mission goals. Prioritize.
- Be aware of improper perceptions by your personnel.
- Mentorship often provides "solutions" to a myriad of individuals' problems.
- Ensure your subordinate leaders secure their people as early as possible when and where they can on a daily basis.
- Guard against daily last minute tasking with short suspense dates for your personnel, especially after they have been inactive for hours prior to that tasking.
- If mission accomplishment is your unit's only objective, everything else will suffer (e.g., morale, quality of life, off-duty education, etc.)
MO Survey
Members of my department arrive at work well rested and ready to perform their jobs safely and effectively.
- During preseason operational readiness training, reinforce key safety concepts with all personnel, including the requirement to report any safety issues or hazards up their chain of command and the ability of anyone to stop operations for safety concerns.
- Follow union and crew rest policy guidelines.
- Review the OPTEMPO of your unit and its effect on safety and operational performance.
- Ensure loud ship maintenance projects (needlegunning, etc.) are done during times to minimize crew disruption
- Educate your personnel to recognize fatigue "red-flags" (e.g., heavy eyelids, increased yawning, wandering thoughts, head-nodding, etc.).
- Ensure that the balance between mission accomplishment and quality of life does not result in overworked and over-stressed personnel.
- Implement circadian rhythm watches for all watch stations, if possible.
- Beware of and monitor fatigue levels of your personnel.
- Long work days combined with commute time and family responsibilities leads to fatigued crew members and drivers.
- Implement rules on work schedule, additional duties, watches, etc. to help manage fatigue and reduce excessively tired personnel.
- Track time off for every employee to ensure that each receives adequate time away from work.
- Although we often "do more with less," always look for opportunities to eliminate non-essential tasks, share workloads, or improve planning to more effectively meet mission goals.
MO Survey
Morale in my unit is high.
- Utilize Performance Award process
- Follow union and crew rest policy guidelines.
- Incorporate team activities into morale events and trainings.
- Hold frequent morale events and solicit input from entire crew.
- The foundation for operational success is our ability to lead our personnel, gain and hold their trust, deliver opportunities for personal/professional development, and provide the tools/training/time to perform their assigned tasks.
- Assign teams/tasks across departmental boundaries to reduce departmental rivalries (e.g., OPS versus Engineering, Deck, Survey, or Steward) and build camaraderie.
- Stick to the schedule as much as possible. Morale and efficiency are improved if unexpected changes, add-on tasks, etc. are moved to the next day's work schedule.
- Plan ahead and share plans/timelines with personnel to improve productivity and morale.
- When standards and rules invite "workarounds" due to their complexity, lack of clarity, or ineffectiveness, submit changes to the standards and rules! A "we've always done it that way" mentality will only lead to further complacency, rule-bending, and potential incidents/mishaps.
- Focus training on team building.
- Leaders who prioritize the betterment of their command over the betterment of their careers tend to have the most "operationally excellent" organizations.
- Use special staff (e.g., medical, etc.) to monitor your unit's "health" (e.g., morale and motivation) and provide an “outsider’s view of your organization.
- Safety climate survey results revealed that unit morale is more strongly affected by leader/supervisor actions than externally driven factors of OPTEMPO, resource constraints, etc. Unit leaders can improve morale through more effective communications, mentorship, enforcement of standards, and caring for members' quality of life.
- Institute morale-building incentives like "work center of the month."
- Follow through on equipment purchases and repairs. Lack of proper tools and equipment leads to cutting corners, equipment damage, and lower morale.
- Share all relevant information. Playing “I’ve got a secret” hurts productivity and morale.
- Survey respondents often provide additional written comments beyond the scope of a particular survey (e.g., drug/alcohol abuse, fraternization, racism/bigotry, financial/personal hardships, suicide, workplace anger, etc.). Leaders should carefully review all survey results for these types of sporadic comments to identify underlying issues that may greatly impact their organizational climate and their personnel's well-being.
- Focus on what you are doing correctly.
- Ensure that the balance between mission accomplishment and quality of life does not result in overworked and over-stressed personnel.
- Incorporate mentorship at every level.
MO Survey
My department has adequate resources (tools, equipment) to perform its current tasks.
- Review adequate shore-side support from MO, Finance, VSAs, etc..
- Review fair treatment/resource allocation between departments.
- Review supply ordering processes. Let all know that we can and will get needed supplies if given enough notice.
- We often "do more with less" . . . this should not become normal operations. Make leadership aware if this is occurring.
- Many hardships are outside your control (e.g., resources, OPTEMPO, funding, etc.). Seek assistance from higher headquarters on these issues, while focusing your attention on the issues you can change.
- Identify shops that do not have adequate tools to do their job.
- Follow through on equipment purchases and repairs. Lack of proper tools and equipment leads to cutting corners, equipment damage, and lower morale.
MO Survey
My department has adequate time to perform its current tasks.
- Ensure proper ship maintenance is being done considering appropriate compromise for science work/rest schedules.
- Beware of an environment where "work-arounds" are "the way we do things here."
- Frequently reinforce the fact that cutting corners is not tolerated in this organization. Ensure department heads and supervisory personnel understand that this is the only acceptable policy. That means that supervisors must be open to feedback that there is not enough time to get everything done.
- Personnel can honestly misperceive that they are expected to cut corners when simply told to expedite their work, or just get it done. Carefully communicate all task priorities to prevent these and other misperceptions.
- Set priorities; don't try to do it all every day. Revisit lower priority tasks at the appropriate time.
- When standards and rules invite "workarounds" due to their complexity, lack of clarity, or ineffectiveness, submit changes to the standards and rules! A "we've always done it that way" mentality will only lead to further complacency, rule-bending, and potential incidents/mishaps.
- Monitor supervisors who think it is okay to cut corners.
- Monitor mission creep, especially admin missions. It can lead to cutting corners in order to save time.
MO Survey
New employees are reporting to my unit with the basic skills to perform the job they are hired for.
- Ensure any NEO training gaps are being covered on the ship. Follow new onboarding proceedure.
MO Survey
My department has enough experienced personnel to perform its mission and day-to-day tasks.
- Ensure any NEO training gaps are being covered on the ship. Follow new onboarding proceedure.
- Ensure supervisors have the time for on-duty training.
- Track employee qualifications and expirations.
- Ensure work shifts are adequately manned for operational and maintenance workloads.
- Be aware of collateral mission creep.
- Monitor turnover in personnel and monitor the need for augmenting personnell from the Releif Pool with the skill set needed.
- Beware of and monitor fatigue levels of your personnel.
- Many hardships are outside your control (e.g., manning, etc.). Seek assistance from higher headquarters on these issues, while focusing your attention on the issues you can change.
- Look in-depth at reducing extraneous tasks and say “no” to requests that use up operational time or space you need for training or maintenance.
- Conduct a complete review of each qualification to ensure there are no immediate unit shortfalls. Then, review the process for qualification to make sure you are teaching the right skills.
- Use higher headquarters periodic "manpower assessments" to ensure optimum distribution of occupational specialties. Use these survey results to identify weaknesses in personnel placement; then, shift personnel as needed to maximize their abilities on the most important issues.
- Although we often "do more with less," always look for opportunities to eliminate non-essential tasks, share workloads, or improve planning to more effectively meet mission goals. Prioritize.
- Monitor turnover in personnel.
- Leadership should establish unit priorities (at all levels) and live by them.
- Review the OPTEMPO and its effect on safety and operational performance. Communicate hazards back up the chain of command.
MO Survey
Employee support resources (SASH, EEO, EAP, Medical, etc.) are advertised and readily available.
- Ensure SASH "Welcome Aboard cards" and EEO memos displayed and accessible to all crew and refrech between projects.
- Consider Victim Advocacy training.
- Ensure department heads and command know proper actions in the case of an employee report.
- Use special staff to monitor your crew’s "Command health" (e.g., morale, motivation, and fatigue level).
- Ensure supervisors are knowledgeable on the services and support that special staff can offer their personnel.
- Ensure you have a formal means to identifying (and possibly) providing interventions for at-risk personnel, like quarterly safety councils.
- Integrate the ORM process into identifying/managing high risk personnel.
- The first step in fixing problems is to identify them (e.g., surveys, communication, process reviews, supervision, etc.).
MO Survey
Leaders/Supervisors in my unit set a good example for following standards.
- Emphasize leadership by example.
- Establish, communicate (make visible), and enforce performance standards in your command.
- Leaders/Supervisors at all levels must periodically reinforce emphasis on procedures.
- Outstanding commands are "brilliant on the basics."
- Frequently reinforce the fact that cutting corners is not tolerated in this organization.
- Ensure supervisory personnel understand that this is the only acceptable policy.
- Monitor supervisors who think it is okay to cut corners.
- Hold non-performers accountable and counsel/discipline those who demonstrate unsatisfactory performance.
- When accountability is not enforced, the command and control structure, which is held together by trust, falls apart and the command eventually fails.
MO Survey
Leaders/Supervisors in my unit regularly set aside time for coaching and mentoring.
- Conduct a class on proper counseling techniques to ensure all supervisory personnel know what right looks like. Tell sailors where they stand and how they can improve.
- Implement a Mentorship Program.
- The first counseling session should be when an individual checks into the unit and then periodically thereafter.
- An individual’s first counseling session should not be during a review of their fitness report or pro/con's.
- Coaching/Counseling should make the individual feel part of the team.
- Counseling should include a constructive path forward . . . vice focusing on the negatives.
- Formal coaching/counseling should be one-on-one.
- Counseling should be clear, specific, and instructional.
- Coaching can be conducted during mentoring sessions.
- Done correctly, coaching and counseling will build trust and approachability between leaders/supervisors and their personnel.
MO Survey
Leaders/Supervisors routinely monitor operations in my unit.
- Leadership by Walking Around remains the #1 leadership tool as seen through the eyes of junior personnel. Is your command's leadership/supervisors staring at their computer screens or getting "out and about"?
- Leaders set the example.
- Direct more command attention at those who do right than those who do wrong.
- COs/Supervisors at all levels must periodically reinforce emphasis on procedures.
- Beware of an environment where "work-arounds" are "the way we do things here.
- Monitor supervisors who think it's okay to cut corners.
- Hold non-performers accountable and counsel those who demonstrate unsatisfactory performance.
- When accountability is not enforced, the command and control structure, which is held together by trust, falls apart and the command eventually fails.
MO Survey
Leaders/Supervisors in my unit clearly communicate expectations for performance.
- Ensure all communication vehicles are used (e.g., face-to-face, POD, Quarters, publications, social media, etc.). Too often, vehicles to communicate are overlooked.
MO Survey
Leaders/Supervisors in my unit keep me well informed.
- All large organizations have communication challenges. Find solutions for the bottlenecks and shortfalls.
- Ensure all communication vehicles are used (e.g., face-to-face, POD, Quarters, publications, social media, etc.). Too often, vehicles to communicate are overlooked.
- Share relevant information. Playing "I've got a secret" hurts productivity and morale.
- Challenge leaders/supervisors to be more proactive engaging subordinate personnel.
MO Survey
Leaders/Supervisors in my unit set a professional command climate.
- Realize that subordinates watch their leaders/supervisors regarding what is and is not acceptable behaviors.
MO Survey
Leaders/Supervisors in my unit routinely visit my work space.
- Ensure leaders/supervisors get "out and about."